welcome to my universe
Here I am
Jullie Qvist
Soulartist, coach, and teacher.
Born in 1967 and from early childhood, creativity has always been my sacred space to go. To create is my meditation, my gateway to my inner essence and wisdom.
To inspire, and coach women to enter their own magic, is my biggest passion in life.
My Vision
I believe in you and me !!!
I believe in connection, that by witnessing each other, we will feel more of what truly matters. Also the connection to the earth, to oneself, to the world around us. I believe the world is a magic and a sacred space for us to find our way home. To access the doorway to our soul. And for that, creativity is such a powerful tool, for transformation and growth.
This is truly a magic journey for personal development, to witness what the great mystery of life bring to your canvasses.
One of my own first memories of life was curiosity around people's mind, and that curiosity for life and how our body mind and soul can develop, and find the sacred space within, have been a huge part of my life. I have taken many classes, to find my own way home, healing, clairvoyance, Nlp and a traditional coaching education. I found my way, my passion, and purpose, when I combined it with creativity, to be my own creator, to self-expression. I had painted before as an artist, but it was like something was missing, not just to make art, but to do it from another perspective, make it a sacred practice, a journey into the unknown. In my journey I have witnessed my own transformation, I have seen the magic been manifested into my life. For this, I will forever be grateful. I am so honored to bring this into the world for others to benefit from, to share this mystery tool for self-expression.
Please come feel and be this ART of magic living.